Reserva Natural das Dunas S. Jacinto

The lagune area is vulgarry called by “ria de Aveiro” it’s island’s and land’s resulted of the sedimention begined on this place of the coast on the X century.
With the time the action of the wind’s influyenced the normal direction of the waves gave orign to a coast sedimention. During the high tighs, the conbined action of the wind and the waves over a sand bank underwater took to the formation of the dunes the raintenance of this vital place took to the criation of the “reserva natural de S. Jacinto.
With the time the action of the wind’s influyenced the normal direction of the waves gave orign to a coast sedimention. During the high tighs, the conbined action of the wind and the waves over a sand bank underwater took to the formation of the dunes the raintenance of this vital place took to the criation of the “reserva natural de S. Jacinto.
The Reserva Natural das Dunas de S. Jacinto is constituted by three areas of different and very own characteristics:
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