
The pateira is a puddle that was opened artificially, in an area afectada in times for a fire, in the first half of the decade of 80.
With his creation, it intended to reach certain objectivos:
  • To allow to the Reservation's visitors an easy observation of the birds and of others you encourage;
  • To create places of nidificação certain species of birds;
  • To constitute bebedouros for the fauna;
  • To create conditions for the return and fixation of the herons;
  • To constitute refuge place for the anatídeos population of the he/she laughed;
  • To make possible the diversification of the flora;
  • To form a natural barrier and a source of water for combat to possible fires;
  • To fasten and to increase the population of amphibians;
  • To increase and to diversify of the fauna.